Saturday, January 31, 2009

Turkey Trot

The turkeys are here! Finally the deer have some competition for the crab apples!

Friday, January 23, 2009

The Doctor said is was pretty "ugly"! (Reality - we had hamhock and split pea soup. When I saw the hock on the plate on the cupboard, I told your mom "I really don't want to see THAT right now." Presto - our mom wanted it on the blog.I am glad for Kendall's help and the picture as I don't remember coming home on Friday.

I am afraid I got in trouble here. Right after surgery, Kendall and Kirsti came in. I guess I ordered a Whopper, fries and malt which they kindly brought for supper that night for me. Also, I asked for a kiss on the cheek from Kirsti before they left. It must have been a site to see her trying to reach over the railing (short as she is) to plop one on the cheek. Fortunatelly I can't remember any of that so I am not too embarrassed.

Aren't I pretty with one sock on and getting ready to walk down to the surgical unit!

The latest update is a complet left hip placement for Kyle. It went well and he is home trying to stay out of trouble.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

X-Country time again!!

We enjoyed a fabulous 1st X-country safari today! Hopefully we will get another one or two in while I am still able. We went up Smithfield Canyon (We both just love this canyon) and skied from the reserve up to the old mine. I wanted to stop at the old foundation to eat, but we went right passed it. We didn't realize how far we had gone until my hip started hurting and we had to turn around. On the way down, I saw the old mine doors and realized we had missed our lunch spot. It was beautiful and quiet, but cold. We only ate half our lunch, sitting on a fallen tree and decided to pack up and head down to the truck to finish. A breeze had come up and it was chilly.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

We had a great time with all 35 of us this summer at Tonya and Shanes. It is so fun to watch the family grow and grow and grow!
I will work on putting pictures on in the future. At least we are trying to catch up with the present and start a blog.